Thursday, November 29, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Final Month-End Edition): On #MarsInsight; #China; #Facebook & Other #RandomThoughts

We're bidding farewell to November throughout our Properties.     We have been witness to profound change even in the Month of November Alone-including changes in US Politics we have addressed both in our main property and our Google Corner.   For us, though, nothing was more exciting that be witness to the monumental landing of Mars and the first image that was sent forth back to Earth

We leave you with some thoughts on the State of Social Media (from the Fabulous Team at the Mission--a must read for us here at the Daily Outsider), the challenge of China, the juggernaut that is Amazon and remaining hopeful about our World:

"There is nothing out there that allows people to see the impact of their ideas in a really visceral way."
–Gina Bianchini
The Story
It was the early 1980s and the man looked out his apartment window at the San Francisco Bay. Lights from ships dotted the harbor, framed by a setting sun. He sipped a glass of wine and looked with pride at the glowing creation on his computer screen. This would change everything...

(Scroll to the bottom to read the rest of The Story!)
The Future of Social Media
To better understand the future of social media, we brought on a special guest for the Mission Daily, Gina Bianchini. 

Gina has been helping building communities online and off since she was a girl. Now, s
he is the CEO and co-founder of Mighty Networks, a company that enables entrepreneurs to bring people together in one place, under one brand, across the web.

"If you look at the history of innovation and the history of great ideas, they come from connections. They come from people putting themselves in environments with people who want to push the envelope."

We bring on guests to discuss important topics, and we make sure they have skin in the game. Gina does.

She’s living in (and building) one possible future of social media.

"The intersection of people’s creativity and modern technology is the most potent and powerful opportunity to create new things that we’ve ever experienced."

The Trump administration is proposing sweeping new limits on U.S. exports of advanced technologies to China in an effort to stop the world’s second-largest economy from encroaching on American leadership in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and self-driving vehicles.
In a document published Monday in the Federal Register, the Commerce Department announced it is seeking public comment by December 19 on whether to impose new controls on a long list of technologies that could be used for “potential conventional weapons, intelligence collection, weapons of mass destruction, or terrorist applications or could provide the United States with a qualitative military or intelligence advantage.”
The department’s list included: artificial intelligence, computer vision, speech recognition, audio and video manipulation technology, microprocessor technology, micro-drone and micro-robotic systems, 3-D printing, self-driving cars, robots, quantum computing, mind-machine interfaces and flight control algorithms. And the document identified a number of technologies that sounded more likely to appear in a Marvel movie than an actual lab, including: mind-machine interfaces, molecular robotics, adaptive camouflage, swarming technology, and smart dust.
Imposing export controls on such a broad range of technologies would cause consternation in Silicon Valley, potentially affecting the exports of companies including AppleGoogle, and IBM. And Nvidia just announced a deal to supply its Xavier A.I. chip to at least three Chinese self-driving car startups.
The Commerce Department’s announcement is only an initial notice of rules under study. But a comment period clears the way for the administration to order binding export restrictions. Some tech experts expressed concern that it might create significant market barriers to U.S. companies doing business in China.
Eurasia Group’s Paul Triolo, in a tweet, said implications of the announcement were “huge.” He predicted that, while there would be much comment and refinement of the restrictions, the “vast majority are likely to stay on the list…clearly directed at China.”
The clampdown on U.S. tech exports comes as President Tump prepares to meet with Chinese president Xi Jinping later this month. Prospects for a lasting resolution seem unlikely, however. The Commerce Department announcement follows approval this summer of legislation that vastly expands the power of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to regulate U.S. technology investments on national security grounds.
Rising tech tensions between the U.S and China will be among the many issues we’ll tackle Guangzhou next week at the Fortune Global Tech Forum. If you’re not able to join us, look for full coverage on
Clay Chandler

Onward to December with all its' possibilities:

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