Friday, February 21, 2020

As We Go Dark Thru the Week-End: A Platform Wide Inspiration Thoughts

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Application Exercise

When your world's
about to fall,
And your back's
against the wall,
When you're facing
wild retreat and utter rout;
When it seems that
naught can stop it,
All your pleas and plans
can't prop it
Get a grip on yourself and--
stick it out!
Any craven fool can quit,
But a man with pluck and grit
Will hold until the very final shout;
In the snarling teeth of sorrow
He will laugh and say;
"Tomorrow The luck will change--
I guess I'll stick it out."
The luck does change; you know it,
All the records prove and show it,
And the men who win are men who strangled doubt,
Who neither hesitate nor swerve,
Who have grit and guts and nerve,
And whose motto is;
play hard and stick it out.
And you think you can't last long,
Whenever things go wrong,
That you've got to quit
not wait the final bout;
Smile, smile at your beholders,
Clench your teeth
and square your shoulders,
and fight!
You win if you but STICK IT OUT!


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