Monday, February 3, 2020

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): As a New Month is Before Us....

We welcome all to our platforms--as we hereby present the following courtesy the team at the Visual Capitalist--our team could not help but be jealous as we look forward to being of service to all:

Most Valuable Brands 2020

We also hereby present the following:

Animation: The Top 15 Global Brands (2000-2018)

This stunning animation shows a dramatic change in the world's most valuable global brands. Watch tech companies like Apple shoot up the rankings in style.
The 10 Organizations With the Best (and Worst) Reputations

According to a representational poll of 18,228 Americans, these are the organizations considered to have the best and worst reputations.
Ranked: The Most Valuable Nation Brands

A country's national image can have a big impact on its economic fortunes. See which countries have the highest ranked nation brands.

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