Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): A Window Into Our World

We hereby present the following from the Visual Capitalist as we commend them for the great work they do:

On average globally, women have three-quarters of the legal economic rights granted to men. This map shows the state of women's economic rights around the world.

How Digital Transformation is Shaping Industry's Future

This graphic explores the role connected workers play in achieving successful digital transformation and identifying new growth opportunities.

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Black-White Financial Inequality

COVID-19 has worsened Black-White financial inequality, with Black Americans more likely to see negative impacts to their job and income.

Animated Map: The History of U.S. Counties Over 300 Years

This animated map highlights the history of American counties, and how their boundaries have changed over the last 300 years.

Football Fever: Investing in the Beautiful Game

Football’s global appeal has boosted the game into a billion-dollar industry. How can fans and investors cash in on their favorite clubs?

This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Ranked: The Megaregions Driving the Global Economy

This stunning map ranks the world's most powerful megaregions — together, they contribute a whopping $28 trillion to the global economy.

Originally from September 2019

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